But campaigners believe development plans for St Thomas’s Square Play Park were axed by Labour for the wrong reasons

Greens and local residents are relieved after the Labour-run City Council dropped plans to build over St Thomas’s Square Play Park.

The much-loved protected green space in Coleridge ward was under threat from proposals to construct seven non-social houses.

But while campaigners welcome the news, they believe the city council has axed the plans for financial reasons rather than in order to preserve access to open space for residents.

Jacqueline Whitmore, Coleridge resident and Green Party member, said: “We wish the reason the plans have been dropped is because the Council and its Coleridge councillors listened to its residents.

“However, I’m very relieved that Labour have seen sense and dropped the proposals, so myself and other residents can now feel reassured that our park is now safe.” 

St Thomas’s Park is a green space rich with biodiversity, visited daily by local families for the well-resourced play area and local dog-walkers to enjoy the open green space nearby.   

Greens have supported the understandable concerns of the Friends of St Thomas’s Park since last summer, defending the park at a local meeting and spreading the message of their campaign in their local newsletters.   

Sarah Nicmanis, Green candidate for Coleridge Ward and Green Party parliamentary candidate, said: “I am pleased Labour have given up their plans to build over St Thomas’ Park, and that residents can continue to enjoy their park, a protected space which must continue to be truly protected, and not be subjected to intrusive works.”